United States Celebrities Heights

Famous Star Celebrities in United States

Find how tall are famous stars in United States. Alphabet wise listing of famous stars of United States. Have fun comparing your height with celebrities of United States.

Ja RuleJa Rule
Mercedes RuehlMercedes Ruehl
Paul RuddPaul Rudd
Daniela RuahDaniela Ruah
Kelly RowlandKelly Rowland
Richard RoundtreeRichard Roundtree
Eli RothEli Roth
Emmy RossumEmmy Rossum
Rick RossRick Ross
Mackenzie RosmanMackenzie Rosman
Michael RosenbaumMichael Rosenbaum
Nectar RoseNectar Rose
Charlie RoseCharlie Rose
James RootJames Root
Michael RookerMichael Rooker
George RomeroGeorge Romero
Ray RomanoRay Romano
Clayton RohnerClayton Rohner
Kasey RogersKasey Rogers
Zach RoerigZach Roerig
Robert RodriguezRobert Rodriguez
Jai RodriguezJai Rodriguez
Adam RodriguezAdam Rodriguez
Kid RockKid Rock
Edward G RobinsonEdward G Robinson
Tanya RobertsTanya Roberts
Julie RobertsJulie Roberts
Eric RobertsEric Roberts
Tony RobbinsTony Robbins
Naya RiveraNaya Rivera

Find how tall are famous stars in United States. Alphabet wise listing of famous stars of United States. Have fun comparing your height with famous stars / celebrities of United States.