Canada Celebrities Ages

Famous Star Celebrities in Canada

Find how old are famous stars in Canada. Alphabet order list of famous stars of Canada along with their ages. Have fun comparing your age with famous stars / celebrities of Canada.

Corey Seviercorey sevier
Cory Monteithcory monteith
Dave Thomasdave thomas
David James Elliottdavid james elliott
Eric Mccormackeric mccormack
Eugene Levyeugene levy
Melody Andersonmelody anderson
Pamela Andersonpamela anderson
Donald SadowayDonald Sadoway
James Cameronjames cameron
Milos Raonicmilos raonic
Aleksandra Wozniakaleksandra wozniak
Ashleigh Ballashleigh ball
Jim Carreyjim carrey
Mark Megrathmark megrath
Michael Andrew Foxmichael andrew fox
Mike John Meyersmike john meyers
Sunny Leonesunny leone
Leah CairnsLeah Cairns
Steve BacicSteve Bacic
John CandyJohn Candy
Justin ChatwinJustin Chatwin
Hayden ChristensenHayden Christensen
Linda EvangelistaLinda Evangelista
Joshua CloseJoshua Close
Kim CoatesKim Coates
Jillian BarberieJillian Barberie
John ColicosJohn Colicos
Lauren CollinsLauren Collins
Brendan FehrBrendan Fehr

Find how old are famous stars in Canada. Alphabet order list of famous stars of Canada along with their ages. Have fun comparing your age with famous stars / celebrities of Canada.