New Zealand Celebrities Ages

Famous Star Celebrities in New Zealand

Find how old are famous stars in New Zealand. Alphabet order list of famous stars of New Zealand along with their ages. Have fun comparing your age with famous stars / celebrities of New Zealand.

Andrew James Matfin Bellandrew james matfin bell
Marina Erakovicmarina erakovic
Charlotte Harrisoncharlotte harrison
Chris Woodchris wood
Clarissa Eshuisclarissa eshuis
Dakota Lucasdakota lucas
Daniel Belldaniel bell
Dan Slaterdan slater
Marco Rojasmarco rojas
Darryl Fitzgeralddarryl fitzgerald
Mark Toddmark todd
Dean Couzinsdean couzins
Matthew Stanleymatthew stanley
Dylan Dunlop Barrettdylan dunlop barrett
Matthew Trottmatthew trott
Melissa Ingrammelissa ingram
Ella Gunsonella gunson
Emily Nayloremily naylor
Emma Twiggemma twigg
Melody Coopermelody cooper
Eric Murrayeric murray
Michael Armsmichael arms
Erin Naylererin nayler
Michael Eagarmichael eagar
Mike Dawsonmike dawson
Erin Taylorerin taylor
Michael O Keeffemichael o keeffe
Ethan Mitchellethan mitchell
Michael Mcglincheymichael mcglinchey
Eve Macfarlaneeve macfarlane

Find how old are famous stars in New Zealand. Alphabet order list of famous stars of New Zealand along with their ages. Have fun comparing your age with famous stars / celebrities of New Zealand.