Tallest Buildings, Skyscrapers in the World


Menara Alor Starmenara alor star
Menara Telekommenara telekom
Kul Control Towerkul control tower
Menara Carigalimenara carigali
Petronas Tower Ipetronas tower i
Kuala Lumpur Towerkuala lumpur tower
Ib Towerib tower
Menara Maybankmenara maybank


Gran Hotel Baligran hotel bali
Torre Iberdrolatorre iberdrola
Torre Luganotorre lugano
Neguri Ganeneguri gane
Edificio Kronosedificio kronos
Torre De Santa Cruz Itorre de santa cruz i
Tower Of The Universidad Laboraltower of the universidad laboral
Torres De Herculestorres de hercules


Cathedral Of Our Lady Of Guadalupecathedral of our lady of guadalupe

Discover the height of notable buildings around the world. List includes the tallest, oldest and largest skyscrapers in the earth. Click on different countries to get the list of buildings and skyscrapers.